Toronto Stabbing - Where are the Good Samaritans?

This is the culprit

Moses Lewin (25)

I’m sure most of you are already aware of this story, but I’'ll just summarize it and then get on with the good stuff.

On July 6th, Derek Dykhoff (37ish) was stabbed several times by the man featured above in the Toronto on the TTC. Derek suffered several stab wounds and was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Since the surgery, Dykhoff has hated the hospital experience, feeling like an outcast, and just wants to go home.

As of today, he is back to his apartment unable to use his right arm and leg.

See the video here of the malicious attack.

This is absolutely terrifying. And I don’t know if you noticed… but the stabber is black… and while our lovely Canadian government is withholding statistics… I would bet my right hand on it…that most violent crimes are committed by blacks.

Now, the most heartbreaking thing about this situation is not even the attack but rather what Dykhoff himself said about when he was on the floor of the train bleeding to death, no one volunteered to help, he had to beg for anyone until one man reluctantly followed his directions of first aid. An oriental man I might add.

Why did no one rush to help him? Well, I knows why… ibecause they were not his people.

The majority of the people around him were of other races, mainly eastern Asian, meaning they had no natural inclination to help a racial stranger, and I mean why should they? They have only immigrated to Canada a few months ago and probably think our faces still odd and strange, so their comfort levels with whites and euro-Canadians - especially a haggard bleeding male one on the floor - is not going to attract help from people who do not see us as comrades. I don’t blame them, but unfortunate for Dykhoff, he did not have the comfort of a fellow Canadian who truly cared for his health in these dire moments.

During his hospital experience he was saddened by the lack of compassion from the staff and that he feels there is no longer community, and that he has no one. His pain was so evident and shows deep flaws in our society as a whole.

I am not blaming anyone in particular for the lack of identity and community we have on even the smallest levels of Canadian civilization, because I do not know who is really to blame. But neither do I believe that we all just coincidentally decided to be anti social and divergent. It all seems too intentional, too painful for it to be chalked up to chance, especially because of the rates of immigration. Ironically, this is making me wish for my formative years where these problems weren’t so bad (and those were only mere years ago!)

God requires all of us to be Good Samaritans, for He is our Savior and Redeemer and how can we deny help to fellow humans when He is so gracious and forgiving with us? Even though the world is lacking this between races, let us not be this way to brothers and neighbours.

Dykhoff is a talented musician who may never walk or play the guitar again, he has no way to make a living anymore and no one to lean on, His mother died only a few months ago and that was all he had left in his family, so help a brother out. Here is his GoFundMe page and please donate if you feel compelled.